Highest Six Month CD Rate Now At First City Bank

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That's the good news...but wait till you hear the bad news.

First City Bank is currently offering a 1.25 percent APY six month CD.

This puts First City Bank on the top of the BestCashCow CD rate list, tied with Aurora Bank at 1.25% APY. The minimum to open a CD with First City Bank is a thousand dollars, and there are no fees except for early withdrawal.

First City Bank is FDIC insured, but is rated a lowest possible zero star with Bauer Financial, and is included in their Troubled and Problematic Report. Bauer describes it as "facing considerable challenges at this time".

You can get a city either at a First City Bank branch, or by going online to www.firstcitybank.com.

Credit for this find goes to bankaholic.com.

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